Immersive Web Weekly

Issue #058, July 13, 2021,

I'm in the middle of turning my lovely garage shop into a desifactory but luckily the rest of the wider web community has stayed busy turning out new browser features and new experiences to run in those browsers.
Fire up your search engine, rearrange your bookmark folders, and double check your extensions because it's time for another issue of the Immersive Web Weekly!

- Trevor Flowers, head Memex maker at Transmutable

160k Attendees at Secret Sky 2021

The Active Theory team didn't rest on the success of last year's Secret Sky event but instead kicked up the design and the tech to host people from 163 countries in Secret Sky 2021.

Let's Do the Timewarp For Real

The Facebook team announced that technology to smooth out media playback and other uses of WebXR layers is on by default in version 16.1 of the Oculus Browser.

Samsung Internet Sees the Light(ing Estimation)

Ada Rose Cannon, our co-chair and the web's advocate, announced that the lighting estimation API in WebXR is enabled in the new beta of Samsung Internet.

Vircadia Sockets it To You

The BabylonJS fronted FOSS virtual world platform, Vircadia, continues to make regular progress and in their monthly update mentioned that they've updated their service replication to more effectively use WebRTC as well as inter-node UDP protocols.

platform Kalila L

If You Plockle in Plockle then you Plockle in Real Life

The 16 levels of this spatial puzzle game will keep you busy for around two hours, or roughly long enough for your pets to wonder whether something is wrong with you and for your email inbox to overflow.