Immersive Web Weekly

Issue #033, January 12, 2021,

It is a wild and tough time here in the U.S. so this issue is light on quips and heavy on block quotes.
Pay attention and stay safe, friends.

- Trevor Flowers from Transmutable

Sundance's New Frontier Goes XR

"New Frontier Chief Curator Shari Frilot and Active Theory co-founder Michael Anthony join us to talk about this bold new venture for the legendary film festival, as well as this year’s exciting line up of work in the New Frontier — which will inevitably shape the conversation in XR for the year to come."

Tickets for New Frontiers start at $25 and are on sale now.

Inverse Force Feedback for Satisfying VR Interactions

"One of the most well-known problems with physically-inspired interactions in virtual reality is that the virtual world provides no physical feedback. What if there were something we could do to evoke in VR some portion of a physically-inspired action’s inherent satisfaction?"

Using WebXR in HTML IFrames

"IFrames are really useful for WebXR. Often WebXR web pages are large with a lot of code and many 3D frameworks default to taking up all the available space on the page. IFrames solve these issues by letting you put all the XR code into another webpage, which can even be on a different domain, they also let you choose exactly how much space they take up on the page and can be used with Flexbox and CSS Grid."

6000+ Facebook People Are Working on XR

"Facebook’s VR, AR and hardware teams account for more than 6,000 employees, according to a person familiar with its staffing. That’s a larger group than Facebook has working on billion-user apps Instagram and WhatsApp."

WebGL Accessibility for React Three Fiber

The developer collective Poimandres has released react three a11y which

"brings accessibility to WebGL, with easy to use components react-three-fiber components to enable focus indication, keyboard tab navigation, and screen reader support."
A demo is also available.