Immersive Web Weekly

Issue #066, September 14, 2021,

As this email goes out our community is gathering for the WebXR Business Summit to discuss the applications and finances that will underpin commercial activity on the immersive web. Tickets are free and the event runs all day TODAY starting at 8am Pacific so tune in when you have a chance.
Write up your business canvas, polish your pitch deck, and recruit your C-suite because it's time for another issue of the Immersive Web Weekly!

- Trevor Flowers, some random YouTuber

Help With Our Immersive Web Springboard

Our illustrious co-chair, Ada, put out the call for help collecting inspirational content links for the community's web site, There is a GitHub Issue to discuss what should be there to help new developers join the immersive web. You can also probably chat with her about it on her Twitch stream tomorrow at 4pm BST/8am PT.

OpenWebDocs Drops an Immersive Infobomb on MDN

The Open Web Docs team has contributed 2000+ pages to MDN including 56 new pages about WebXR. Their worklog details which pages are fresh and new.

High Quality VR Streaming Meetup

The AR/VR Creators Meetup is hosting an online event on September 23rd featuring Vasanth Mohan (AKA Fuseman) to discuss his recent efforts to stream high-quality VR rendered in Unity into WebXR sessions.

Play Storage Space 13 in only 13k for js13KGames

Your spaceship is a terrible mess and gravity is funky! Push around the boxes to clear the deck to win this game for the ongoing js13KGames contest.